
Workshop with Curtis Michelson

Companies, and their managers and workers are being called upon to adapt, change, innovate and lead collaborative inquiries.  Traditional tools - SWOT, Interviews, Focus Groups, Business Cases and our beloved Business Requirements Documents (BRDs) are no longer sufficient,  They don't engage the best thinking of the group, and by the time they generate results, the market has moved on, and they are outdated.  So, how to generate actionable insight in weeks, not months?

This workshop offers three concrete facilitation techniques for tapping collective wisdom and energy; energy that can generate new business models, innovative product evolutions, and high-value customer services.  Participants will get to explore and use the following collaborative elicitation methods:

  1. appreciative inquiry
  2. lean coffee
  3. innovation games

  Key learnings

  • three skills you as a leader must let go
  • two analyst skills you must embrace and deepen
  • understand which situations call for emotive inquiry, and which don't

Curtis MichelsonCurtis Michelson is a 20-year veteran of business and technology, serving as a conduit and activator of organizational change. He has worked with large corporates and small organizations alike to identify strategic opportunities and execute on them. He has demonstrated through many projects that success or failure depends less on talent of any one individual, and more on the nature of the team and their environment. Building supportive teams that share mental models, ideas and understand business and market priorities is the 21st century value driver. For the past five years, Curtis has led many initiatives with IIBA, at the chapter level in Central Florida (as VP Marketing and currently President), and at the international level as the co-creator with Peter Johnson of the Chapter Maturity Model (CMM). As a third generation Floridian and father, he's also a global activator for citizen and grassroots efforts to protect fragile ecosystems and for the reinvention of education for the 21st century.

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